About Unisphere

Qingdao Unisphere Co., Ltd

Unisphere is a professional cenosphere supplier bringing its products to a well defined market through a vertically integrated supply chain, it has a fully integrated cenosphere processing facility including electrothermal drying oven. Unisphere will be one of the first new international suppliers to a growing global customer base that requires high quality, valued-added cenosphere.
Basically, we sourcing raw cenosphere from China major thermal power plants, located in Huainan and Northeast district. From here, thousands tons of low density, high aluminum with good color raw cenosphere are produced. Our plants established good relationship with these power plants, and keep supplying qualitied raw cenosphere for us.

Even though, China is the largest cenosphere origin country, there is no committed, single-minded cenoshere export company in china. So our mission is to be a china cenosphere export pioneer, can provide the suitable and consistent quality cenosphere with good price and help our customers to keep competitiveness in their marketplace.


Cenosphere is classified in various grades conforming to following specifications:

  • Density
  • Size

Unisphere is able to supply cenospheres based on specific gravity, size distribution, color, chemistry, or a combination of these standards to meet your specific needs.



Why Choose Our Fly Ash Cenosphere

Reduced weight

Light-weighting: filler loading, reduced shrinkage, lower viscosity.


Ball bearing effect for molding, trowel work: lubricity.


Foundries & high temperature coatings & flame-retardants.

Thermal Reflectivity

Heat dissipation.

Sound attenuation

Sound attenuation

Noise & RF absorption and reflection.


Bonding, internal structure: asphalt concretes, paints, ceramics.